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New Paradigm in Economics Byrne & Derbin
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An Economics Newsletter for the New Millennium
The New Paradigm → Reshaping the American Economy
Have you ever thought understanding economics was too complicated, nonsensical, or just plain boring? It's our goal to explain economic theory as simply as possible - but no simpler. It is also our goal to present unbiased analysis, embracing logic while eschewing ideologic. We focus on real-life application, employing theory to help explain and aid in our analysis.
In response to a number of queries regarding the recent drop in the Stock Market:
Here's a quick walk-through on the dip in the market last Friday, Feb 2 and Monday, Feb 5…who knows what today, let alone tomorrow, may bring.
Analysis and Commentary Dow Drop Feb. 2 and 5, 2018
In our January 2006 Newsletter article, we warned against the impending housing collapse and the danger of rising oil prices…
Killing Fields: Weak Links in Otherwise Strong Economy (January 6, 2006)
Predicting Financial Collapse January 2006
In addition to the rising energy costs and insecurity in the labor markets, households are now facing an additional burden of rising interest rates, affecting their mortgages. As short-term rates are driven up by the Federal Reserve actions in the Federal Funds rates, it influences other short-term interest rates to rise as well.
In the area of variable rate mortgages (ARMs), the Fed's actions are gradually triggering the adjustment clauses in these mortgages. This increases the monthly payments, reducing further the disposable income available to purchase other goods and services and also reduces the cushion protecting homeowners from defaulting on mortgages.
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Briefly, we have been publishing our newsletter since August 2003. We have had several million hits and we pride ourselves in our objective analysis of current economic issues. We have a decidely academic approach to the material as we view our primary responsibility as teachers first and foremost. This thorough treatment of topics is reflected in our at-times lengthy newsetter articles. Keep in mind that they are there for you enjoyment and edification. Please feel free to ask us questions or comment on what does or doesn't make sense for you.
The most important thing is that you read this material with an open mind and be sure to follow the included links, which we use quite often to direct you back to the original data (source material) we employ in our analysis.